GRS is pleased to publish its Gender Pay Report for 2023. In previous years our gender pay data showed that the average pay difference between women and men was continuing to decrease and that any ‘gap’ was the result of the different roles carried out by men and women in the business. This trend has continued in 2023 as we continue to increase the diversity of people who carry out different roles within the organisation.
Click here to read our Gender Pay Report 2023
GRS operates to the highest ethical standards in all our activities and takes a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, enforcing strong controls to ensure it has no place in our business. We expect the same high standards of all our contractors and suppliers, and we are committed to ensuring transparency throughout our supply chains.
Click here to read our Modern Slavery Statement
In accordance with our expectations of all our stakeholders, we are fully committed to always operating to the highest ethical standards and we expect the same from our suppliers. Our Ethical Sourcing Policy sets out the standards that we expect all of our suppliers no matter where they operate in the world. We are committed to working with our suppliers to help improve their labour and environmental practices. We expect our suppliers to support the ethical standards set out in our policy with regard to workplace safety, environment, fair pay and other employment conditions.
Ethical Trading Initiative
GRS is a ‘foundation’ member of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), a leading alliance of companies, trade unions and other organisations that promotes respect for workers’ rights around the globe. Being part of the ETI means GRS demonstrates explicit commitment to ensuring our products have not been made at the hands of exploited workers. It’s also a recognition that global supply chains are complex and worker’s rights issues are best tackled through collaborative action with other organisations.
We will therefore seek to source and purchase goods which are produced and delivered under conditions that do not involve the abuse or exploitation of any persons, encompassing the following keys aspects, drawn from the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions:
Prohibition of forced labour; the right to freely chosen employment; safe and hygienic working conditions; zero use of child labour; payment of living wages, protection of working hours and benefits; prohibition of discrimination, harassment or abuse in the workplace; no harsh or inhumane treatment.
To ensure that our suppliers align with the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, we are committed to clearly communicating our expectations, educating and supporting those in the supply chain. The ETI Base Code outlines the vital principles for ethical labour practices, such as workers' rights, working conditions, health and safety, and environmental sustainability.
Supplier expectations
Below are examples of what our suppliers can expect from GRS and how we collaborate with them to maintain our commitment to ETI Base Code:
1. Clear Communication of Expectations: Sharing our company's ethical sourcing policy, re-emphasising our commitment to the ETI Base Code, ensuring that our supplier agreements stipulate compliance with the ETI Base Code.
2. Training and Education: Providing our suppliers with educational materials such as learning modules, posters and toolbox talks that detail the ETI Base Code and there importance. Depending on where a supplier is based, we can offer region-specific guidance on laws and practices that affect them aligning with the ETI Base Code.
3. Support and Collaboration: Provide guidance and assistance in overcoming challenges related to compliance. Working with our suppliers to build their ability to comply with the ETI Base Code, such as improving management systems, implementing best practices in worker welfare, and ensuring better transparency in operations.
4. Regular Communication Channels: Send updates to suppliers, keeping them informed of any changes or new requirements related to the ETI Base Code. As well as establishing an open line of communication where our suppliers can ask questions or express concerns about the compliance process.
Through educating, supporting and holding suppliers accountable to the ETI Base Code, we are committed to contributing to the development of an ethical supply chain.